Sublime Surprise

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

They Came To America

I'm half italian (sic)
Matt Boyce

I am possibly descended from Mary, Queen of Scots. Most doubtlessly Scotch-Irish for sure.
Candice Hoke

Why in the hell do we, red-blooded Americans, hold on to our legacy of ancestors from other nations? Why should we hold on to the national pride that has devastated people in other nations? The French have had a series of incredibly unstable governments and catastrophic oppressive rulers within the last 200 years alone. The Irish, while successfully attaining their Free State, fought a terrorist war of attrition that killed numerous of their fellow countrymen in Ulster and innocent lives in Great Britain as well as led to a compromise of ethics as they allied with the PLO in Lebanon and helped traffic arms to FARC in Colombia. The Germans... Well, let's not go there. The Italians have had a fractured democratic state post-war, and will always be remembered for being the birthplace of fascism.

Yes, there is art. Royalty. Buildings. History. Law. Philosophy. Mathematics. So on and so forth, but the fact of the matter is that this country was founded by people who obviously found enough faults in nations in the rest of the world to create a place where they could all run to. The Irish starved and moved here en masse, so much so that the Irish population of the United States is greater than that of the Irish Republic. The Chinese ran here and heavily influenced the culture of the West Coast. Jews in Eastern Europe fled the pogroms to come to a land infinitely more welcoming. Africans......


Anyways, to put things in context, you have to remember WWBMS. Or, What Would Bill Murray Say?

We're all very different people. We're not Watusi, we're not Spartans, we're Americans. With a capital "A", huh? And you know what that means? Do you? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts.
- Bill Murray as John Winger in Stripes


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