Lorenzo St. Dubois
Just a sign of things to come
Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun live in suburban Berlin, right next door to the Goldensteins. Take a wild guess what ethnic/religious group they would be from. The show, despite never lasting longer than its pilot, managed to make every single Jew joke in the book.
Which book? The National Socialist's party manifesto.
The show is like some retarded cousin of I Love Lucy. The male neighbors can't stand each other, the women love each other and are responsible for most of the hijinks. For instance, Hitler orders Eva to not tell the Goldensteins that Neville Camberlain is coming over for dinner (If you don't get the irony of this thing, go back to your high school history). Of course, Eva accidentally lets this tidbit of information slip and it ruins Hitler's dinner with the PM of Britain.
5 Republics
2 Empires
Innumerable Anarcho-Communal Interim Governments
'r Cymraeg , cara odiaeth Celtic bobloedd , ca 'n hwy hanes 'n reddfol i mewn 'n hwy 'n arddun caerau chan haggus a fawn. 'r Cymraeg made enw achos themselves ar ôl yn adeiladu 'n hwy brifddinas caer chan Hagguspeatgerg , 'r 'n amlyca haggus a fawn caer y tu allan i chan Budapest , a gostega arferiadau hyn 'n organaidd ddefnyddiau i mewn adeiladaeth at hon iawn ddiwrnod. Rhywbryd am 'r chordda chan 'r calendr Cymru benderfynedig at arhosa yn bod fel gwareiddiad a jyst anhedda i lawr fel bagad chan dafad amaethwyr a jyst fel damweiniedig at areithia yr un dafodiaith. 'n hysbys chan 'r yn prifio bygwth chan 'r Saesneg , hynny Celts a could nofia did fel a 'n ddihangol at Eyre blwc arall ran gogledd a ymarferedig yn ergydio logs a yn llithro chlegrau ar draws hiâ blwc yn gwisgo kilts mewn gobeithia a 'r Saesneg would ca 'u fel bizzare a goresgyniad barnwyd 'n orffwyllog cystal ( 'n Anffodus achos 'r Albanwyr , 'n hwy herwhela chan yn taro feinedd b i mewn i feinedd dyllu lawer buarthau ar gerdded 18 adegau ar barnwyd esmwythyd fabolgamp at 'r Saesneg a 'n barod goresgynedig ). Bu yn ystod hon amsera 'r Cymraeg discovered baen 'n anllythrennog fel chrynswth. Hefyd , bu yn ystod hon amsera na Darwin a eiddo damcaniaeth involving filiwn epaod acha deipiedyddion came at 'r hystyriaeth chan 'r Cymraeg 130 blynedd ar ôl 'r chyhoeddiad chan Gwreiddyn chan Rhywogaeth yn ystod 'r ddyfodiad chan 'r Chyfrifiadur Heneiddia. Yn gobeithio at ddod hon damcaniaeth at test , arbenigwr banel chan simians aeddfedwyd a archebedig at chlepia i maes chyfres chan chymeriadau acha allweddell. Hun canlyniad was fel yn boddhau at barnwr a bu benderfynedig 'n hwy 'n gyfa 'n genedlaethol 'n ysgrifenedig dafodiaith. Fel , 'r yn clepian chan a syphillitic cynddeiriogedig epa ag 'n dlawd eyesight a a 'n anaelau chyflwr chan chynddaredd 'n droëdig i mewn i 'r 'n genedlaethol dafodiaith chan Cymru.
The Welsh, like most Celtic peoples, have their history rooted in their beautiful cities of haggus and peat. The Welsh made a name for themselves after constructing their capital city of Hagguspeatgerg, the most famous haggus and peat city outside of Budapest, which still uses these organic materials in construction to this very day. Sometime around the turn of the calendar Wales decided to stop existing as a civilization and just settle down as a bunch of sheep farmers who just so happened to speak the same language. Aware of the growing threat of the English, those Celts who could swim did so and escaped to Eyre while other ran north and practiced throwing logs and sliding rocks across ice while wearing kilts in a hope that the English would find them so bizzare that invasion was deemed insane as well (Unfortunately for the Scots, their game of hitting a small ball into a small hole many yards away 18 times over was deemed a luxury sport by the English who promptly invaded).
It was during this time the Welsh discovered they were illiterate as a whole. Also, it was during this time than Darwin and his theory involving a million monkeys on typewriters came to the attention of the Welsh 130 years after the publication of Origin of Species during the advent of the Computer Age. Hoping to put this theory to test, an expert panel of simians was gathered and ordered to bang out a series of characters on a keyboard. One result was so pleasing to a judge that it was decided their entire national written language. Thus, the banging of a syphillitic enraged monkey with poor eyesight and a fatal case of rabies turned into the national language of Wales.